This writing on the Personhood of the Holy Spirit: A Simplified Approach to Understanding the Holy Spirit, by Dr. Aleck A. Brown is without question a scholarly work. You will find in it a vast array of theological content and information on the Holy Spirit, His attributes, symbols, work, and His role in the church. Writing on the topic of the Third Person of the Trinity is quite a difficult task. The Biblical content about Him is numerous and scattered throughout the pages of the Old and the New Testaments.
It takes a skilled writer to organize the enormity of the data about the Holy Spirit, and then place it in a clear and concise, systematic format for readers to digest. Making information that is typically studied on a graduate level, digestible for the normal lay reader can be an arduous task. However, Dr. Brown has masterfully developed a simplified approach to a rather complex subject. He’s invited readers to glean from its pages increased knowledge into the Holy Spirit and the role He plays in their lives.
This book delivers a clear, precise treatment of the Holy Spirit, and places His ministry in the correct order in the lives of believers. It begins with needful background information on the Spirit, and then delves down into the specific details of how He works and the unique role that He plays in a believer’s salvation and life experience. All reference works in this writing are well-cited, and it is evident that Dr. Brown has spent critical and extended hours in research, study, and preparation before presenting this material.
In his book, New Testament Handbook – A Guided Approach to Understanding the New Testament, author Dr. Aleck A. Brown has revolutionized the study of the New Testament. As a present-day scholar of the Bible, he has combined his love for God, his in-depth knowledge of the Word, and a profound revelation through the Holy Spirit to bring forth illumination and a deeper understanding of God’s Word as chronicled in the New Testament.
As a fulfillment of his sincere desire for ministers and laypersons alike to better comprehend the New Testament, Dr. Brown has developed a simplified approach that compliments other resource guides. This handbook invites readers to go a step further by providing common-day insight into the teachings of Jesus Christ. In addition to historical background and documentation of relevant information such as: Authorship, Provenance, Readership, Purpose, Polemics, and Genre this book also includes Scriptural Highlights and an Application for Today. This guided approach will give its readers a virtual experience into the New Testament that is informative and refreshing.
This provocative, enlightening and concise review of the 27 books of the New Testament will draw readers into a greater appreciation and broader revelation of the scriptures. Through this encounter readers will excel to a greater level of understanding and biblical scholarship.
From Matthew’s account of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, to the introduction of the second coming of Christ, as chronicled by John in the book of Revelation, this handbook will serve as a valued companion to your biblical and hermeneutical studies.