Uplifting Truth Christian Ministries, Inc.

Archive for May 2019

Afflict the comfortable, comfort the afflicted.

We are living in an age where complacency seems to be the order of the day. Sin has become so rampant that many believers in Christ sit on the sidelines. Refusing to upset the status quo. Today I want to challenge all of us to action. Let our actions afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. How can we do that. Arm ourselves with the Word of God so that the world may see God in us.

~ Dr. Aleck A. Brown

Standing for God!

The Pharisees came to Jesus in an attempt to trap Him by asking what is the greatest commandment. Their goal was to get Jesus to place more emphasis on one commandment over another. Instead of falling into their trap, Jesus responded by telling them the greatest commandment is to love God. This does not put one command over another. Instead, what it does is pull all the command under one theme. We live an age when our faith is often tested. The world seeks to discredit God at every turn. But as believers in Christ we must do as Matthew 22:37 tells us, “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Love God despite the obstacles in our way. Stand for God and He will stand for us and with us.

Remain blessed in the LORD!

~ Dr. Aleck A. Brown

Having a Winning Attitude

Proverbs 15:1-2 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes out folly” (NIV). Having a winning attitude may require us to hold our tongue. There are two things worth keeping on one’s lips, “a smile and silence.” The two may seem diametrically opposite. A smile has the ability to solve problems and silence has the ability to avoid problems.

~ Be blessed, Dr. Aleck A. Brown

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to Uplifting Truth’s blog. Here we will post periodic journal entries to uplift your day!

Here is a little about Rev Dr. Aleck A. Brown:

A husband, father, published author, and ordained minister Dr. Brown believes in exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  He  lives his life based on Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”